Waterbirds of Bourgas Wetlands: Results Evaluation of the Monthly Waterbird Monitoring 1996-2002 Pensoft Series Faunistica

Waterbirds of Bourgas Wetlands: Results Evaluation of the Monthly Waterbird Monitoring 1996-2002 Pensoft Series Faunistica
Title: Waterbirds of Bourgas Wetlands: Results Evaluation of the Monthly Waterbird Monitoring 1996-2002 Pensoft Series Faunistica
Author: M. Dimitrov
Date: 2005
Language: English
Format: pdf
Page: 159
Waterbirds of Bourgas Wetlands: Results Evaluation of the Monthly Waterbird Monitoring 1996-2002 Pensoft Series Faunistica
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Waterbirds of Bourgas Wetlands: Results Evaluation of the Monthly Waterbird Monitoring 1996-2002 Pensoft Series Faunistica

": In the first case, he used a mock - up of the gun, and the second - home - made firearms actually wetlands. About it on February 4, reported on the website of the Moscow police. This new edition continues to cover basic principles, techniques of varying complexity, and applied statistical methods, and now contains a new chapter on statistical computation.

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